Brand media technology

To provide comprehensive solutions that integrate full line technical services, boost the core values of brand, promote industrial development, and strive to become a brand media technology service provider with international influence.

Medical technology innovation

To strive to the development of high-quality medical equipment and biopharmaceutical and their continuous improvement of clinical value, and improve the quality of life rooted in our innovative genes to protect human health.

Trademark design, registration, and trading

To uphold the concept of professionalism and innovation, and follow the core of addressing corporate needs, we provide customers with professional trademark design, registration, and transactions and other comprehensive business of corporate intellectual property rights, and strive to creating a comprehensive enterprise trademark service complex to escort the healthy development of enterprises.

Financial equity and investment management

To create a service platform for financial technology with international influence, provide financial technology solutions for various economies, empower every link of industrial innovation, and strive to become an industry leader in financial technology innovation in the context of industrial upgrading era.